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Modiary releases 252W fanless battery charger - Optimized Charging Curve Design

August 04 2020 source:


Modiary unveiled a new smart charger, MDA310, with max. output power of 252W. It adopts a fanless plastic housing with automatic cooling.

已开发的系列适用于10串锂离子电池组的充电,可选充电电流6A/5A/4A ,将于近期投入市场。该产品工作效率高达93%以上,采用CAN协议实现与电池BMS的通讯,输出电压和电流通过软件进行适时调整,优化充电曲线,实现对充电过程的智能化控制,确保充电效率和安全,有效延长电池使用寿命; 其外壳采用无风扇设计,避免落尘损害产品内部结构或产生噪音;同时,该产品可与多种电池管理系统匹配,亦可采用多款不同的直流连接器(DC Jack)以满足客户定制化需求。

This smart charger is developed for charging of 10S lithium-ion battery packs with optional output current of 6A/5A/4A and will be launched into the market soon. The working efficiency of the product is as high as 93%. A CAN communication protocol is used to communicate with the battery BMS. Its output voltage and current can be adjusted in time through the built-in software to optimize the charging curve and realize a intelligent control of the whole charging process to ensure high working efficiency, high reliability and to extend the battery life; its housing has a fan-less design that prevents dust from gathering that may cause damage to the internal structure of the product, or creating noise; moreover, this charger can support the needs of various battery management systems, and also provides different DC Jack options in order to meet your customization needs;


In addition, what is more interesting is that the intrusion protection of the charger can be updated to IP54 after a special treatment to the structure.


In near future, Modiary will continue to develop products suitable for charging of 12S, 13S, and 14S li-ion battery packs with a designed output current of 4A.


With years of professional R&D and manufacturing capabilities in li-ion battery charger industry, Modiary has developed a series of smart charger products successfully. It even became the designated cooperative development partner or charger supplier of many major international battery module manufacturers; Modiary is able to develop projects for customized products based on actual application needs of the customers.


Specification of Modiary smart charger MDA310 (max. Output power 252W):

· 产品尺寸: 189*91*39.5mm

· Housing Dimension: 189*91*39.5mm

· 重量:700g

· Weight: 700g

· 外形及防护:塑胶外壳、全密封、自热散热

· Structure and Protection: plastic housing, fully closed, automatic cooling;

· 输出功率最大252W / 输出电流6A /5A /4A可选 / 输出电压42V

· Max. Output power: 252W / output current: 6A /5A /4A / output voltage: 42V

· 充电电压调整模式:软件校准及设定,精度达到±2.5‰

· Charging voltage adjusting mode: charging voltage is calibrated and set by software, the precision is ±2.5‰

· 充电电流调整模式:软件校准及设定,精度达到±1%

· Charging current adjusting mode: charging current is calibrated and set by software, the precision is ±1%

· 工作效率:≥93%

· Working efficiency: ≥93%

· 功率因数:≥0.95

· Power factor: ≥0.95

· CAN通讯协议/CAN communication protocol

· 优化充电模式设计(预充电模式、定电流CC 模式、定电压CV 模式、浮动充电模式)

· Optimized charging mode design: pre-charging, constant current, constant voltage, floating charging;

· 智能LED 充电状态显示设计 (红绿两色指示灯/可轻易辨别/待机/充电中/已充电/充电故障等状态)

· Intelligent LED light to show charging status: green and red light indicators/easily identified / stand-by / charging / fully charged / charging fault., etc.

· 交流电输入电压范围:90-264 Vac

· Input voltage: 90-264V AC

· 完整充电防护设计:OVP, UVP, OCP, SCP, OTP, UTP, 反接关断保护、定时关断保护

· Integrated charging protection: OVP, UVP, OCP, SCP, OTP, UTP, reverse polarity cut-off protection, timing protection;

· 工作环境温度:-10 40°C

· Operating ambient temperature: -10℃ 40℃

· 工作环境湿度:10%-95%

· Operating ambient humidity: 10%95%

· 安规:UL1012IEC/EN 60335-1IEC/EN 60335-2-29

· Safety Standard: UL1012IEC/EN 60335-1IEC/EN 60335-2-29

· EMC: EN55014-1, 55014-2; EN61000-3-2, 61000-3-3


For more Modiary product information, please visit:

· 官网:www.mdacharger.com

· LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/shenzhen-modiary-mda-co-ltd

· Alibaba : https://modiary.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.icbuShop.88.5.1453200dLBoZpv



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